

By registering yourself at you are giving consent to us & our partnering Banks/NBFCs and Advertisers to use & disclose your personal information in accordance with this Privacy Policy. If you don’t agree to the policy terms, please do not use or access Shivafinz.

With this consent you authorize us & our partnering Banks/NBFCs and Advertisers to give you a call/sms/e-mail/WhatsApp or show banners/videos/text ads on third-party sites to offer you their services for the product you have opted for, imparting product knowledge, communicate promotional offers running on the website & offers/products/services shared by the associated third parties; irrespective of the fact that you have registered yourself under DND (Do Not Disturb) or DNC (Do Not Call) service, i.e., you authorize us to give you a call/sms/e-mail/WhatsApp or show banners/videos/text ads on third-party sites from & to partner Banks/NBFCs and Advertisers for the above-mentioned purposes till 365 days of your registration and/or last login with us, despite you having opted for DND or DNC. does not provide Loans on its own but ensures your information is sent to the bank that you have opted for. Shivafinz has no sales team of its own; we just help you compare loans. All loans are at the discretion of the partnering Banks/NBFCs and Advertisers. provides general information and does not deem it to constitute, financial or other advice or a recommendation to purchase any product or service. We strongly advise that independent professional advice be obtained before you purchase any product and/or service via

Storage of Customer Data will store and process your data only in servers located within India, in accordance with the RBI circular on Digital Lending dated 02nd September 2022 and any other regulation applicable on Shivafinz will ensure that any customer data collected by Shivafinz or any digital lending apps of LSP will be need-based, with your prior and explicit consent, and will have an auditable trail. collects personally identifiable information when you register for a account, when you use certain products or services when you visit pages, and when you enter promotions or sweepstakes. may also receive personally identifiable information from our business partners. When you register with, we ask for your first name, last name, time zone, zip/postal code, country, state, city, email, birth date, and gender. Once you register with and sign in to our services, you are not anonymous to us. Customer data or information that we may collect from you and store with us for 3 (three) years to carry out our operations from the last login with us. Shivafinz may seek a one-time permission with your prior and explicit consent for accessing the camera, Microphone, Location, or any other facility necessary for the purpose of onboarding. We will not store/ collect any biometric data in the systems associated with us unless allowed under extant statutory guidelines as applicable to us.

Shivafinz shall disclose the purpose of the consent required at each stage wherever applicable. Shivafinz does not ask for access to your mobile phone resources like files and media, contact lists, call logs, telephony functions, etc. except in cases of prior explicit consent.

Please remember that any provider of financial services is entitled to register with does not examine whether the advertisers are good, reputable, or quality sellers of goods/service providers. You must satisfy yourself about all relevant aspects prior to availing of the terms of service. has also not negotiated or discussed any terms of engagement with any of the advertisers. The same should be done by you. Purchasing of goods or availing of services from advertisers shall be at your own risk.

We do not investigate, represent, or endorse the accuracy, legality, or legitimacy of the service providers who advertise with us. References that we make to any names, marks, products, or services of third parties or hypertext links to third-party sites or information do not constitute or imply our endorsement, sponsorship, or recommendation of the third party, of the quality of any product or service, advice, information or other materials displayed, purchased, or obtained by you as a result of an advertisement or any other information or offer in or in connection with the Media.

Shivafinz, wherever applicable, shall disclose the information regarding the third party with whom your data is being shared.

You can give or deny the consent for use of specific data, restrict disclosure to third parties, data retention, revoke consent already granted to collect personal data and if required, make the Website delete/forget the data by writing us at

Restriction on the Use or Sharing of Personal Information

Shivafinz Uses the information that it collects for several purposes, including:

  • Provide the Services you have requested
  • Administer, improve and personalize your experience on the platforms
  • Measure consumer interest in our platforms and services
  • During registration, you will be requested to register your mobile phone and email ID, pager, or other device to receive text messages, notifications, and other services to your wireless device. By registration, you authorize us to send SMS/email alerts to you for your login details and alerts or some advertising messages/emails from us. Note* If at any time you wish to stop these SMS/email alerts, all you have to do is write an email to us at with your mobile numbers and your mobile numbers will be deleted from the alerts list.
  • To analyze the accuracy, effectiveness, usability, or popularity of the Services
  • To compile aggregate data for internal and external business purposes
  • To prevent fraud and abuse of the services and to otherwise protect users and visitors and our business
  • Resolve disputes, troubleshoot concerns, and help promote safe services
  • Meet legal, regulatory, and self-regulatory requirements
  • Enforce our terms and conditions will not sell or rent your personally identifiable information to anyone other than as specifically noted herein. Notwithstanding the foregoing, may sell and/or transfer your personally identifiable information to an affiliate and to any successor-in-interest as a result of a sale of any part of’s business or upon the merger, reorganization, or consolidation of with another entity on a basis that is not the surviving entity.

For the purposes of this paragraph, “affiliate” means any person directly, or indirectly through one or more intermediaries, that controls, is controlled by, or is under common control with

The term “control,” as used in the immediately preceding sentence, shall mean with respect to any person, the possession, directly or indirectly, of the power, through the exercise of voting rights, contractual rights, or otherwise, to direct or cause the direction of the management or policies of the controlled person.

As used in this Privacy Policy, the term “person” includes any natural person, corporation, partnership, limited liability company, trust, unincorporated association, or any other entity.

Grievance Redressal Officer Details :

BTM Layout, Bangalore, Karnataka, India – 560029